Welcome to Tiny Viking Games!

Mission Statement:

The goal here at TVG is to open up the world of game development to those that wish to participate. With this goal in mind, TVG is striving to develope a system that rewards collaborative effort between individuals from all over the world to develope the greatest games imaginable! We do this for the love of the artform and the wish to share this love with everyone. We also want to share the profits!

It is the goal of this company to bring a top to bottom game developement process to those that would normally spend their free time making, modding, or developing games. Whether you're a programmer, artist, entrepreneur, modder, writer, etc, it's time to make money contributing to our favorite passtime.

TVG is a non-profit company, ALL proceeds outside of maintaining the website goes directly to the real talent behind video games: THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE THEM! That means YOU! We're hard at work developing a payment system for those that wish to make games for fun and profit. Get ready to be a part of a revolution!

Posted: Feb. 29th 2012

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